英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 16:59:25

leave off

英 [li:v ɔf]

美 [liv ɔf]

停止; 中断;戒除;不再使用,不再穿
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leave off


1. stop using

e.g. leave off your jacket--no need to wear it here

2. prevent from being included or considered or accepted

e.g. The bad results were excluded from the report
Leave off the top piece

Synonym: excludeexceptleave outomittake out

3. come to an end, stop or cease

e.g. the road leaves off at the edge of the forest
leave off where you started

1. 剔除,排除(在名单之外)
If someone or something is left off a list, they are not included on that list.

leave off在线翻译

e.g. She has been deliberately left off the guest list...
e.g. The judge left Walsh's name off the list of those he wanted arrested.

2. 停止,中断(做某事)
If someone leaves off doing something, they stop doing it.

e.g. We all left off eating and stood about with bowed heads...
e.g. Some of the patients left off treatment.


1. (使)停止;停下来:leave alone 不管,不理会;不打扰 | leave off 使)停止;停下来 | lack of 不够;不足;没有

2. leave off

2. 停止;中断:keep off 避开;防止;挡住 | leave off 停止;中断 | pay off 还清;偿还掉

3. (使)停止:156、leave for 动身去 | 157、leave off (使)停止 | 158、leave out 遗漏,略去

4. 停止:9.leave behind 丢弃,留下 | 10.leave off 停止 | 11.leave out 遗漏,省略

Then answered the children: "the wind, the wind, Only the wind," and went on eating as if they never meant to leave off, without a suspicion of wrong.(然后孩子们回答说:“是风,是风,只有风。”然后继续吃仿佛他们从来没有想过要离开,没有一点点怀疑有什么不对。)
We have carbon 12. I will even leave off the 6 because we already know it is carbon.(我们有碳12,我们将6省去6,因为我们已经知道它是碳了。)
Said Alice to herself, rather sharply; "I advise you to leave off this minute!"(爱丽丝严厉地对自己说,“限你-,分钟内就停止哭!”!)
I can fetch too many columns, or leave off important structural database features, like indexes or null constraints.(我所能获取的列太多,又很容易遗漏重要的结构化数据库特性,比如索引或空约束。)
The Badger told him rather sharply to leave off.(獾子班杰相当严厉地叫他住手。)
How do we keep track of the ever-evolving recommendations for what to put on, and leave off, the plate?(关于平时要吃什么、不吃什么,我们怎样去留意那些花样翻新的饮食建议呢?)
You can add many more, you can leave off the --host-template-id option to see them, or import the graphs from sources on the Internet.(您可以添加更多,可以停止--host-template-id选项来查看它们,或者从Internet上的资源导入图表。)
"Leave off jumping about, it is time for dinner, " said Peter; "sit down now and begin."(“别跳了,该吃饭了,”彼得说;“坐下来,我们开饭喽。”)
All she needed to do was raise the hemlines, raise the heels, and leave off the wimple.(现在她所要做的就是提高裙摆,提高鞋跟。以及适当的遮掩。)
What did I leave off the list?(这份表单中我还漏了什么吗?)
leave off是什么意思 leave off在线翻译 leave off什么意思 leave off的意思 leave off的翻译 leave off的解释 leave off的发音 leave off的同义词